Process of Humiliation
Conversing with Silence

DOS Titus 2 Talent Tuesdays!
We Know Chant by Sis. Aye’let
The Ultimate Sacrifice by Sis. Akiah
The Call by Sis. Aye’let
Conversation With She... The Old Woman & Me
Some old woman she be calling me
This time it was quite urgent you see
That she got in touch with me right away
That I desperately needed to hear what she had to say
Said she to me / was sorry for all the pain I was going thru
Sympathetic was she to me ya see
Could help it all go away and forget the commandments and live day to day
Her babbling quite unclear, voice familiar from what I could hear
She said to me, something in her tone, chilled me to the bone
Was filled with hurt and anger, so with class she did lack,
Mumbling don’t worry ‘bout ever calling me back
Would always have my number and know exactly where I be at
How dare me try to leave she behind, we are of the same mind
Remembered me from around the way said she to me, I always thought I was better than she
Hello can you hear me now?
Must be a dropped call, sister tripping trying to watch me fall.
Looking to achieve what? Said she
A certain understanding, cleave to a higher calling said me to she
Listen …you don’t know me I’ve changed said I to she
You must be confusing me with somebody else was she. I’ve changed – life rearranged
I’ve always known you, your just beginning to know yourself, without a clue
Said she to me, the phone call needed to be dismissed, no need to reminisce with she
I was running late you see
Almost forgot the good book, on my way out without a second look was me to she
Refusing to hang up was she, Doorbell rings.
Who is it? I say to she
Damn it’s the old me
That old woman tracked me down, with and without a frown. Two faced without faith
Lord, I’m trying to turn my life around and be ok ….why she come around today?
She pretending to be weak and feeble to convince me to let her stay
Now if I let her in, surely I would pay
With my life, stabbing pains from a knife
Gotta lot of nerve does she, coming back around to check on me
Get the hell out of here, and I started to swerve
In the wrong direction was me, must remember my education in Christ you see
Clarify my edification said me to me
But quick at the lips and looking to deceive me was she
Looked thru the window pain and saw she, I knew who she was and she me
But she was disappointed to see who now I be
Her seduction was real and allure very strong
To battle it out, but for how long, the armour was tight, ready to fight
So on my knees I began to pray, refusing to look her way
I was outside of myself and sore afraid
Begging the Lord for protection and forgiveness for the sins I done made
Then I saw me fighting with she
Then he said to me, get up child she was sent by me to prove thee
So then she / me was given the strength and reborn as a grand sunflower
For she knew not the day nor hour
When he would come with judgement to be found
Regal and tall, eyes all around under and above the ground
Power in the scriptures that day she did learn
But that old woman she vowed to return, to see if together we would burn
She would visit me from time to time, fully determined to come back
Checking me out to determine what I lack
Said she to me
That old woman sobbed as she faded away weak and dying
Ready to go again as I grab my purse and shoes crying
It be a new day for me
May the Lord always help you find the way
Whispered she to me
Spoken word by: Shamarah Israel